EACCTYPEE RACCTYPER HHELPNDX TTABHLP MMAINHLP ACCOUNT NUMBERS - HELP This scrolling lookup table will show you the possible numbers to choose from. Place the selector on the account you want and press the ENTER key to have the account copied into the proceeding form. Or follow the instructions at the bottom of the screen to add, edit or delete account number. EXPENSE ACCOUNTS RECEIPT ACCOUNTS HELP INDEX TABLE HELP MAIN HELP EACCTYPEE RACCTYPER HHELPNDX TTABHLP MMAINHLP ACCOUNT NUMBERS - HELP This scrolling lookup table will show you the possible numbers to choose from. Since the locator on the table that called this table only can locate on ACCOUNT NUMBER and not account description this list is presented to find what account number is associated with what account description. You have to type the account number into the LOCATOR to have the locator find the expenses for the account. EXPENSE ACCOUNTS RECEIPT ACCOUNTS HELP INDEX TABLE HELP MAIN HELP MSYSOV10 FFORMHLP HHELPNDX MMAINHLP UPDATE ACCOUNT NUMBER - HELP This form is to record account numbers. Depending on the how you got to this screen you will be prompted for either a BILL, RECEIPT or LOAN account number. FORM HELP HELP INDEX MAIN HELP MENU MSYSOVR13 STABHLP HHELPNDX MMAINHLP ACCOUNT NUMBER TYPES - HELP Scrolling table of all account number types. Depending on how you got here you will see information fro BILLS, RECEIPT or LOAN types. You cannot change these TYPES. SCROLLING TABLE HELP HELP INDEX MAIN HELP MSYSOVR10 STABHLP HHELPNDX MMAINHLP ACCOUNT NUMBER TYPES - HELP Scrolling table of all account number types. Depending on how you got here you will see information for BILLS, RECEIPT or LOAN types. SCROLLING TABLE HELP HELP INDEX MAIN HELP MSYSOVR13 STABHLP HHELPNDX MMAINHLP ACCOUNT NUMBER TYPES - HELP Scrolling table of all account number types. Depending on how you got here you will see information fro BILLS, RECEIPT or LOAN types. SCROLLING TABLE HELP HELP INDEX MAIN HELP MSYSOVR3 STABHLP # HHELPNDX 1 MMAINHLP ALL BILLS - HELP Scrolling table of all bills both posted and open. Open bills can be edited, Posted bills cannot. To edit a posted bill the Check that paid the bill must be VOIDED from the Bank Account. MORE SCROLLING TABLE HELP HELP INDEX MAIN HELP MSYSOVR4 STABHLP # HHELPNDX 1 MMAINHLP ALL RECEIPTS - HELP Scrolling table of all receipts both posted and open. Open receipts can be edited, Posted receipts cannot. To edit a posted receipt the DEPOSIT TICKET the receipt was deposited on must be VOIDED from the Bank Account. MORE SCROLLING TABLE HELP HELP INDEX MAIN HELP MSYSOVR7 MMENUHLP HHELPNDX MMAINHLP BALANCE BANK BOOK MENU - HELP This menu will take you through the steps to balance your bank account. Enter the bank account name, and the statement date on the bank statement you received from the bank. Then go through each of the menu choices to balance your account. TRANSACTIONS NEVER SHOWN ON STATEMENT - Shows all "uncleared" deposits and checks. From here mark all the checks and deposits that show on the statement you received from the bank. Then process them. SHOW STATEMENT - Shows bank statement as far as the this program knows. Compare it to the bank bank statement from the bank. If not the same look for missing or different items. MENU HELP HELP INDEX MAIN HELP MENU MSYSOVR21 STABHLP HHELPNDX MMAINHLP BALANCE SHEET - HELP Scrolling table of all assets and liabilities. The balance is your NET WORTH. MORE SCROLLING TABLE HELP HELP INDEX MAIN HELP MSYSOVR17 HHELPNDX TTABHLP MMAINHLP BANKS LOOKUP - HELP This scrolling lookup table will show you a list of all your BANK ACCOUNTS. Place the selector on the bank you want and press the ENTER key. The bank name will be inserted into the field that called this lookup table. NOTE: If charges have been made to a bank account it cannot be changed. HELP INDEX TABLE HELP MAIN HELP MSYSOVR7 STABHLP HHELPNDX MMAINHLP BANK STATEMENT - HELP Scrolling table of all transaction for this bank account during the statement period. All values and transactions should match the statement you received from the bank. If they do not match look for missing or different items and make corrections until they match. To view a transaction place selector bar on the transaction and press the ENTER key to view details about the transaction. MORE SCROLLING TABLE HELP HELP INDEX MAIN HELP MSYSOVR17 STABHLP HHELPNDX MMAINHLP BANK TRANSACTIONS - HELP Scrolling table of all transaction for a bank account. This is basically a check book, but could also be a credit card or savings account. You can view the bills paid by a check, or receipts making up a deposit by placing the selector bar on a transaction a pressing the ENTER key. LOCATOR in the upper right corner searches for the date. The date must be entered in full '07/03/90' for it to work, even though the date only shows as '07/03'. VOIDING of checks and deposits can only be done from here. The '*' under the column headed by the ' ' means the transaction has been reported on by the bank on a bank statement (your check has cleared). MORE SCROLLING TABLE HELP HELP INDEX MAIN HELP MSYSOVR18 HHELPNDX TTABHLP + MMAINHLP BANKS TYPE - HELP This scrolling lookup table will show you a list of BANK TYPES. Place the selector on the bank type you want and press the ENTER key. The bank type will be inserted into the field that called this lookup table. HELP INDEX TABLE HELP MAIN HELP MSYSOVR3 FFORMHLP HHELPNDX + MMAINHLP BILL RECORD - HELP This form is to record bills, and the account number to charge the expense to. If bills has been posted no editing can be done. The CHECK the bill was paid on must be VOIDED from the BANK ACCOUNT before editing can occur. FORM HELP HELP INDEX MAIN HELP MENU MSYSOVR10 STABHLP # HHELPNDX 1 MMAINHLP BILLS FOR ACCOUNT NUMBER - HELP Scrolling table of all bills making up the PERIOD dollars for the account selected from the FINANCIAL PERIOD report. To view the BILL RECORD place selector bar on the bill you want and press the ENTER key. MORE SCROLLING TABLE HELP HELP INDEX MAIN HELP MSYSOVR13 STABHLP % HHELPNDX 3 MMAINHLP RECEIPTS FOR ACCOUNT NUMBER - HELP Scrolling table of all receipts making up the PERIOD dollars for the account selected from the FINANCIAL PERIOD report. To view the RECEIPT RECORD place selector bar on the receipt you want and press the ENTER key. SCROLLING TABLE HELP HELP INDEX MAIN HELP MSYSOVR19 STABHLP # HHELPNDX 1 MMAINHLP ALL BANK ACCOUNTS SUMMARY - HELP This is a summary of the account balances for all your bank accounts. It can help to choose which bank account bills should be paid from, or what bank account should receive a deposit. MORE SCROLLING TABLE HELP HELP INDEX MAIN HELP FFORMHLP HHELPNDX ' MMAINHLP CONFIRM DEPOSIT TICKET - HELP This form is to verify that you have included only the receipts you want on the deposit ticket. If all is OK confirm the ticket. Then you will be asked what bank to make the deposit to. FORM HELP HELP INDEX MAIN HELP MENU MSYSOV5 FFORMHLP HHELPNDX + MMAINHLP CUT CHECK - HELP This form is record CHECKS. Choose what bank account the check is to come from. Carefully verify that the check number presented is the correct check number. If it is not correct type in the correct check number. FORM HELP HELP INDEX MAIN HELP MENU FFORMHLP HHELPNDX MMAINHLP DELETE ACCOUNT NUMBER - HELP This form is used to delete an account number. Since all bills and receipts must have an account number you cannot just delete an account number. You must transfer the expenses form the account number to be deleted to another account number. If you do not see an account number you want to transfer to create a new account number first, then do the delete. FORM HELP HELP INDEX MAIN HELP MENU MSYSOVR20 FFORMHLP HHELPNDX MMAINHLP FINANICAL PERIOD DATE RANGE - HELP This form is to get the DATE RANGE to calculate the FINANCIAL PERIOD report. PERIOD dollars will include transactions occurring between & including the dates entered. YTD (year to date) dollars will include transactions from January 1st of the year of the starting date to but not including the starting date. EX 1: start 04/01/90 THEN YTD start 01/01/90 06/31/90 03/31/90 EX 2: start 11/01/89 THEN YTD start 01/01/89 02/28/90 10/31/89 FORM HELP HELP INDEX MAIN HELP MENU MSYSOVR20 STABHLP HHELPNDX MMAINHLP FINANCIAL PERIOD - HELP Scrolling table of all expense and receipt account numbers with total dollars. The dollars are for the time period you specified, and the YTD (year to date) is the total of dollars from January 1st of the year of the starting date. You can view the items making up the PERIOD dollars by placing the selector bar on the account number and pressing the ENTER key. The figures on the lower portion of the screen is a condensed Profit/Loss statement. MORE SCROLLING TABLE HELP HELP INDEX MAIN HELP HHELPNDX MMAINHLP %FORMS Forms are used to add, update, or confirm deletion of a record. The areas to be filled in are called FIELDS. Depending on the importance of the information requested FIELDS can be 'required'. Required fields must have acceptable data entered for you to continue. Most required fields have a pop-up LOOK-UP TABLE that will show you correct answers if you try to leave it blank or type in an incorrect answer. EXAMPLE: FORM STANDARD FORM COMMANDS Amount : 150.00 LOOKUP TABLE KEY ACTION Account: Supplies Account No.s - End of field Ctrl_END - Erase to end of field. 1 Office HOME - Start of field 2 Rent - Backup a field. If 3 Supplies first field then abort 4 Electric changes and exit ENTER - Next field. If last ENTER - Select field then save changes and exit. Help index Main help FFORMHLP HHELPNDX ' MMAINHLP BANK NAME REQUEST - HELP This form requests what bank you are interested in. If you type in a non-existant bank or leave the field blank a pop-up list of banks will be presented to you. From there you can add a bank or choose one. FORM HELP HELP INDEX MAIN HELP MENU SSYSOVR1 BBANKS FFIANPRD MMENUHLP BBANKTRAN PPMTTYP STABHLP BBANKSTAT VVENDLK FFORMHLP BBALBNKBK BBALSHT " BBNKSUM BBANKTYPE BALLBILLS RALLREC BBILLREC RRECREC PPAYBILLS DRECNTDEP CCUTCHK DVDEPTIC IVCHKTIC RREOCREC RREOCBILL DOUTITM COUTITM AACCLK AACCLK AACCTYPER AACCTYPEE ZBEST CHECKBOOK PLUS - HELP INDEX SYSTEM BANKS MISCELLANEOUS System overview Banks Financial period Menus Bank books Payment types Scrolling Tables Bank statement Vendors Forms Balancing account Balance Sheet "Bank summary "Bank types BILLS *RECEIPTS Bills (Receipts Bill record "Receipt record Paying bills !Deposit receipts Cutting checks Deposit tickets Items posted to checks Reoccurring receipts Reoccurring Bills Deposits never on statement Checks never on statement Account numbers Account Numbers Account types Account number types MSYSOVR22 FFORMHLP HHELPNDX + MMAINHLP UPDATE LOAN INFORMATION - HELP This form is to edit or add a loan. Monthly payments are calculated using standard amortization formulas for compound interest. A new REPAYMENT ACCOUNT must be made for all new loans in order to track repayment. FORM HELP HELP INDEX MAIN HELP MENU MSYSOVR23 STABHLP HHELPNDX MMAINHLP LOANS PAYMENT INFORMATION - HELP Scrolling table of all payments made for a loan, and a status report on the loan balance. MORE SCROLLING TABLE HELP HELP INDEX MAIN HELP MSYSOVR22 STABHLP HHELPNDX MMAINHLP LOANS - HELP Scrolling table of all loans. Follow instructions in the instruction area to add, edit, or view a loan. MORE SCROLLING TABLE HELP HELP INDEX MAIN HELP HHELPNDX SSYSOVR1 ZBEST CHECKBOOK PLUS - MAIN HELP MENU Help is available everywhere by pressing the F1 key. Help Index System Overview Choose menu option or ESC - Return HHELPNDX MENU HELP MENUS are your road map through this program. To choose an option from the menu use the keyboard direction keys to highlight the option you desire, or type the first letter of the option. If more than one option has the same first letter the selector bar will cycle through the options as you press the letter. Help index MSYSOVR15 STABHLP # HHELPNDX 1 MMAINHLP SELECT MANUAL REOCCURRING BILL - HELP Scrolling table of all MANUAL REOCCURRING BILLS. To generate a bill into UNPAID BILLS place selector on the desired bill and press the ENTER key. Modifications to the generated bill can be done in the PAY BILLS screen. MORE SCROLLING TABLE HELP HELP INDEX MAIN HELP MSYSOVR16 STABHLP HHELPNDX MMAINHLP SELECT MANUAL REOCCURRING RECEIPT - HELP Scrolling table of all MANUAL REOCCURRING RECEIPTS. To generate a receipt into UNDEPOSITED RECEIPTS place the selector on the desired receipt and press the ENTER key. Editing of the generated receipt can be done in the UNDEPOSITED RECEIPTS screen. MORE SCROLLING TABLE HELP HELP INDEX MAIN HELP MSYSOVR9 STABHLP HHELPNDX MMAINHLP DEPOSITS NEVER ON STATEMENT - HELP Scrolling table of all deposits that have not cleared. Mark the deposits shown on the statement from the bank. Then process the deposits. To view receipts on the deposit ticket place the selector bar on the deposit ticket and press the ENTER key. MORE SCROLLING TABLE HELP HELP INDEX MAIN HELP MSYSOVR8 STABHLP # HHELPNDX 1 MMAINHLP TRANSACTIONS NEVER ON STATEMENT - HELP Scrolling table of all items that have not cleared. Mark the items shown on the statement from the bank. Then process the items. To view detail on the item place selector bar on the item and press the ENTER key. MORE SCROLLING TABLE HELP HELP INDEX MAIN HELP MSYSOVR3 STABHLP HHELPNDX MMAINHLP PAY BILLS - HELP Scrolling table of all UNPAID BILLS. To pay bills mark bills that are to be paid on a check, then CUT THE CHECK. This will change the bill from being "open" to "posted" MORE SCROLLING TABLE HELP HELP INDEX MAIN HELP FFORMHLP HHELPNDX MMAINHLP UPDATE PAYMENT TYPES - HELP This form is to update payment types. Payment types include CASH, Mater Card, etc. FORM HELP HELP INDEX MAIN HELP MENU FFORMHLP HHELPNDX ' MMAINHLP PROCESS DEPOSIT - HELP This form requests what bank to make the deposit to. On the previous screen you just confirmed the receipts for this deposit. Also what date you will be making the deposit. FORM HELP HELP INDEX MAIN HELP MENU MSYSOVR6 STABHLP # HHELPNDX 1 MMAINHLP UNDEPOSITED RECEIPTS - HELP Scrolling table of receipts that have not been deposited. Receipts can be edited. To edit a receipt place the selector bar on the desired receipt and press the ENTER key. MORE SCROLLING TABLE HELP HELP INDEX MAIN HELP MSYSOVR4 FFORMHLP HHELPNDX MMAINHLP RECEIPT RECORD - HELP This form is to record receipts and the account number to credit the receipt. If receipts have been posted no editing can be done. The DEPOSIT TICKET that the receipt was deposited on must be VOIDED from the BANK ACCOUNT before editing can occur. FORM HELP HELP INDEX MAIN HELP MENU MSYSOVR15 STABHLP HHELPNDX MMAINHLP REOCCURRING BILLS - HELP Reoccurring bills is a time saving tool. Enter bills that you commonly receive for the same dollar amount from the same person. (Ex: Rent, garbage collection, etc.) Reoccurring bills can be AUTOMATIC or MANUAL. Automatic bills are entered into UNPAID bills on or after the day of the month you specify. Manual bills can be called up from UNPAID BILLS and generated at your discretion. MORE SCROLLING TABLE HELP HELP INDEX MAIN HELP MSYSOVR16 STABHLP HHELPNDX MMAINHLP REOCCURRING RECEIPTS - HELP Reoccurring receipts is a time saving tool. Enter receipts that you commonly receive for the same dollar amount from the same person. (Ex: Pay checks, stock dividends, etc.) Reoccurring receipts can be AUTOMATIC or MANUAL. Automatic receipts are entered into UNDEPOSITED RECEIPTS on or after the day of the month you specify. Manual receipts can be called from UNDEPOSITED RECEIPTS and generated at your discretion. SCROLLING TABLE HELP HELP INDEX MAIN HELP MSYSOVR2 MMAINHLP HHELPNDX SYSTEM OVERVIEW ZBEST starts with your BILLS (electric, rent, etc), and RECEIPTS (paychecks, interest dividends,etc.). You pay your BILLS with checks or credit cards, and deposit your RECEIPTS using DEPOSIT tickets. You can have unlimited bank accounts and credit cards. BILLS and RECEIPTS are entered into the system as soon as you receive them. You do not have to pay them right away. This allows you to keep track of your BILLS until the time of the month you normally pay them. So unlike a checkbook you not only know your account balance but how much you owe and have not paid or deposited. ACCOUNT numbers are assigned to every BILL & RECEIPT. You can create any account numbers you want. This way you can track your electric usage, food bill, or your sales commission. LOANS can either be given, or received. You might give a loan to your brother, or receive a car loan from the bank. Main Help Help Index MSYSOVR11 BSYSOVR9 MMAINHLP HHELPNDX SYSTEM OVERVIEW Page 10 EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT NUMBERS - These account numbers will track your expenses for a particular items. Example rent, electric, commissions paid, office supplies, etc. You can create as many account numbers as you want with what ever name you want. All bills require an expense account number. To view expenses by account number choose the FINANCIAL PERIOD from the main menu. You will be asked for a starting & ending date for the period. You will then be shown how much you spent on each account for that period. Highlight any account number that has had charges and press the ENTER key to view the actual bills that make up the charges to the account. EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT NUMBER TYPES - Each account number has a type. When creating an account number you will be given a list of acceptable types. The types are: MATERIALS PURCHASED FOR RESALE OPERATING EXPENSE CREDIT CARD PAYMENT BANK TRANSFER LOAN PAYMENT MADE* BACK UP Main Help Help Index MSYSOVR12 BSYSOVR10 MMAINHLP HHELPNDX SYSTEM OVERVIEW Page 11 EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT NUMBER TYPES - Continued. MATERIALS PURCHASED FOR RESALE - As it sounds this is used by businesses to record items purchased that will be resold. It is to track profitability of certain product lines, profit margin etc. It should not be used by the personal user. OPERATING EXPENSE - This is all expenses for goods & services other than materials for resale. Another name for this is OVER-HEAD expenses. The personal user should use this for expenses. CREDIT CARD PAYMENT - This is to pay credit card bills with. It is a transfer account type. Transfer account types do not get included when totalling up expenses. This is because when a bill is paid using a credit card the expense is recorded. If the credit card bill was also totalled it would double the expenses. BANK TRANSFER - This is to account for transferring money between checking and savings for example. Since no money was actually spent this BACK UP Main Help Help Index MSYSOVR13 BSYSOVR11 MMAINHLP HHELPNDX SYSTEM OVERVIEW Page 12 EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT NUMBER TYPES - Continued. BANK TRANSFER - This is to account for transferring money between checking and savings for example. Since no money was actually spent, the monies are not totalled up when determining total expenses. LOAN PAYMENT MADE * - This is a special TYPE used to track repayment of loans taken out by you or your company. Only when creating an account number from the LOAN screen will this be given you as a choice for LOAN TYPE. Dollars charged to this account will not be totalled when calculating expenses. The money received as a loan would be deposited into a bank account and spent from there. BACK UP Main Help Help Index MSYSOVR14 BSYSOVR12 MMAINHLP HHELPNDX SYSTEM OVERVIEW Page 13 RECEIPT ACCOUNT NUMBER - Receipt account numbers are used to track receipts. Every receipt must be given an account number. Example salary, sales, interest income, etc. You can create as many receipt accounts as you want and name them whatever you want. RECEIPT ACCOUNT NUMBER TYPES - Every account number is given a type. There are only certain types you can choose: SALES BANK TRANSFER OTHER INCOME LOAN PAYMENT RECEIVED * SALES - Used by business to track sales income. BANK TRANSFER - Used when depositing a receipt from another one of your bank accounts. Accounts with this TYPE do not get totaled when calculating income. BACK UP Main Help Help Index MSYSOVR15 BSYSOVR13 MMAINHLP HHELPINDX SYSTEM OVERVIEW Page 14 RECEIPT ACCOUNT NUMBER TYPES - Continued. OTHER INCOME - Used to track all types of income except sales. Examples are interest income, commissions, etc. Personal users should use this for all their income. LOAN PAYMENT RECEIVED * - This is a special TYPE. It can only be used when you are creating a loan. This is to record payments to repay a loan you or your business gave to someone else. Example: You give your brother a $500 loan. When entering the loan through the LOAN screen you will be asked for an account number to track repayment of that loan. That loan will have a type of "LOAN PAYMENT RECEIVED". This account will not be totaled when calculating income. BACK UP Main Help Help Index MSYSOVR16 BSYSOVR14 MMAINHLP HHELPNDX SYSTEM OVERVIEW Page 15 REOCCURRING BILLS - This is a time saver when entering bills. If you get bills for the same amount and from the same vendor each month then creating a reoccurring bill will be helpful. Examples of Reoccurring bills are rent, insurance payments, water bills, etc. Instead of entering the bill each month create a reoccurring bill. You can make both AUTOMATIC and MANUAL reoccurring bills. Reoccurring bills will only create a bill and place it in the UNPAID BILLS screen. You will still have to cut a check for it to be posted. Reoccurring bills are created with the CREATE REOCCURRING BILL option from the main menu. AUTOMATIC - Each time this program is turned on the reoccurring bills will be checked for any bills due to be generated. The fist time the program is used on or after the generation DAY the bill will be generated. MANUAL - Any time from the UNPAID BILLS screen you can call up the list of manual reoccurring bills. Highlight the one you want then press the ENTER key and the bill will be generated. BACK UP Main Help Help Index MSYSOVR17 BSYSOVR15 MMAINHLP HHELPNDX SYSTEM OVERVIEW Page 16 REOCCURRING RECEIPTS - This is a time saver when entering receipts. If you receive receipts for the same amount from the same person each month then creating a reoccurring receipt will be helpful. Examples are paychecks, stock dividends, etc. Instead of entering the receipt each month create a reoccurring receipt. You can choose either AUTOMATIC or MANUAL reoccurring receipts. Reoccurring receipts will only create a receipt and place it in the UNDEPOSITED RECEIPTS screen. You will still have to make a deposit ticket for it. Reoccurring receipts are created with the CREATE REOCCURRING RECEIPT option from the main menu. AUTOMATIC - Each time this program is turned on the reoccurring receipts will be checked for any receipts due to be generated. The fist time the program is used on or after the generation DAY the receipt will be generated. MANUAL - Any time from the UNDEPOSITED RECEIPTS screen you can call up the list of manual reoccurring receipts. Highlight the one you want then press the ENTER key and the receipt will be generated. BACK UP Main Help Help Index MSYSOVR18 BSYSOVR16 MMAINHLP HHELPNDX SYSTEM OVERVIEW Page 17 BANK ACCOUNTS - These are your bank books. To view them choose BANK ACCOUNTS from the main menu. You will see what looks like a standard check book but there is a big difference. If you highlight a check entry and press the ENTER key you will see a list of all the bills paid with the check. As you are looking at the bills highlight any bill and press the ENTER key and you will see the actual BILL RECORD. The same sort of information is presented to you if the entry in the bank book was a deposit instead of a check. VOIDING checks and deposits is done from here. If you highlight an entry an press the DEL key the entry will be deleted (VOIDED). All bills or deposits associated with the entry will be placed in UNPAID BILLS or UNDEPOSITED RECEIPTS, whichever is appropriate. If a '*' is in the column headed by " " means the entry has "cleared" (been shown on bank statement). BACK UP Main Help Help Index MSYSOVR19 BSYSOVR17 MMAINHLP HHELPNDX SYSTEM OVERVIEW Page 18 BANK TYPES - There are five types of bank accounts. CREDIT CARD OTHER ASSET OTHER LIABILITY CASH - Usually used a petty cash. This is an ASSET BANK - Checking or savings accounts. This is an ASSET OTHER ASSET - Trust fund, Stocks, Bonds, etc. This is an Asset. CREDIT CARDS - Master card, Visa, etc. This is a Liability OTHER LIABILITY - Sales tax collected, etc. BACK UP Main Help Help Index MSYSOVR20 BSYSOVR18 MMAINHLP HHELPNDX SYSTEM OVERVIEW Page 19 ALL BANKS SUMMARY - This is a quick look at the status of all your bank accounts. This screen can be accessed from the main menu or from various other screens. It is accessible from CUT CHECK so you can see how much you have in each account, and it is accessible from UNDEPOSITED RECEIPTS so you can determine which account should get the deposit. BACK UP Main Help Help Index MMENUHLP MTABHLP MFORMHLP MSYSOVR3 BSYSOVR1 MMAINHLP HHELPNDX SYSTEM OVERVIEW Page 2 The screens displayed throughout this program fall into one of the following categories: MENUS - Allow you to choose an option. SCROLLING TABLES - Most often used to locate a record to be edited. Used to display lists of information inside of windows. Lists are typically longer than the the screen can show so the list will scroll up & down to display to complete list. Some tables have SEARCH included. SEARCH allows you to type in the name of what you are looking for and the table will scroll to the nearest possible match. FORMS - Used to change information in a record (i.e. checks, bills, etc.). MORE ABOUT MENUS MORE ABOUT SCROLLING TABLES MORE ABOUT FORMS BACK UP Main Help Help Index , 5t 3 4p MSYSOVR21 BSYSOVR19 MMAINHLP HHELPNDX SYSTEM OVERVIEW Page 20 FINANCIAL PERIOD - This is a summary of expenses and income by account number for a given time period. Also included is a brief Profit & Loss statement. The account numbers are on a scrolling table. Highlight an account number and press the ENTER key to see the actual bills or receipts that make up the dollars shown for that account number. Then highlight any one of the items shown and press the ENTER key to view the actual RECEIPT or BILL record. BACK UP Main Help Help Index MSYSOVR22 BSYSOVR20 MMAINHLP HHELPNDX SYSTEM OVERVIEW Page 21 BALANCE SHEET - This is list of all your assets and liabilities. The balance of Assets - Liabilities is your NET WORTH. Assets increase your worth and liabilities reduce your worth. Assets include bank accounts, cash, money people owe you,etc. Liabilities include money owed on credeit cards, loans, etc. Account numbers are designated as being either an asset or liability when you choose an ACCOUNT TYPE when entering a new account number into the system. BACK UP Main Help Help Index MSYSOVR23 BSYSOVR21 MMAINHLP HHELPNDX SYSTEM OVERVIEW Page 22 LOANS - You can track loans. LOANS can be GIVEN or RECEIVED. GIVEN - You can give a loan to your brother, your company, or or a friend. Loan repayments will entered into RECEIPTS using the account number you specify for tracking the repayment. Given loans are an asset. RECEIVED - This is a loan you take out. May be a home mortgage, car loan, or business loan. Loan repayments will be entered into BILLS using the account number you specified for tracking the repayment. Received loans are LIABILITIES. ADDING A LOAN - Based on you answers for Amount, Interest rate, and Term, the monthly payment is calculated based on standard amortization formulas for compound interest. Loans are automatically given a new account number to track repayment of the loan. DO NOT USE ANOTHER ACCOUNT or repayment tracking will not work!! BACK UP Main Help Help Index MSYSOVR24 BSYSOVR22 MMAINHLP HHELPNDX SYSTEM OVERVIEW Page 23 LOANS - Continued. VIEWING PAYMENTS - From the screen showing you the loans given & received you can view repayments for any loan by placing the selector on the desired loan and pressing the F4 key. While viewing the loan repayments you can view the actual BILL or RECEIPT record by placing the selector bar on the desired payment and pressing the ENTER key. BACK UP Main Help Help Index BSYSOVR23 MMAINHLP HHELPNDX SYSTEM OVERVIEW Page 24 BACK UP Main Help Help Index MSYSOVR4 BSYSOVR2 MMAINHLP HHELPNDX SYSTEM OVERVIEW Page 3 BILLS - We will now look at the path bills take. 1 - A Bill is entered as an unpaid bill, and given an expense account number. The expense account number will track electric usage for example. The bill will show on the ALL BILLS. It will be marked as open. Open bills can be updated. 2 - Bills are paid by cutting a check. Many bills can be paid on one check. An example is a business that is on NET 30 DAY terms. Once a month all the bills to a vendor are paid on one check. When cutting the check you chose which bank account to pay from. 3 - The BILL will be on the ALL BILLS screen. It will be marked as posted since you paid it. Posted bills cannot be edited. To edit the bill you must first VOID the check. This will unpost all the bills paid by the check. To VOID a check you must call up the bank book you paid the check from, there will be instructions on how to VOID A CHECK 3 - The check will now be listed a "never shown on statement". When you balance your bank account the check will be "cleared". BACK UP Main Help Help Index MSYSOVR5 BSYSOVR3 MMAINHLP HHELPNDX SYSTEM OVERVIEW Page 4 RECEIPTS - We will now look at the path receipts take. 1 - A receipt is entered on UNDEPOSITED RECEIPT screen, and given a receipt account number. The receipt account number will track sales for example. The receipt will show on ALL RECEIPTS screen.It will be shown as open. Open receipts can be updated. 2 - Receipts are deposited to a bank account on a deposit ticket. Many receipts can be deposited on a deposit ticket. When making a deposit you choose the bank account to deposit the money. 3 - The RECEIPT will be on the ALL RECEIPTS screen. It will be marked as posted since you deposited it. Posted receipts cannot be edited. To edit a receipt you must first VOID the deposit ticket. When you void a deposit ticket all the items on that ticket will be put in the UNDEPOSITED RECEIPTS screen. Deposit tickets can only be voided from the Bank Book. BACK UP Main Help Help Index MSYSOVR6 BSYSOVR4 MMAINHLP HHELPNDX SYSTEM OVERVIEW Page 5 CHECKS - We will now look at the path checks take. 1 - Checks are created when paying bills. The check was given a bank account to be drawn from. When a check is first written it is considered "outstanding". When you receive the check back from the bank and it showed on the bank statement it is considered "cleared. 2 - All your checks & deposits show on your bank account (check book). You can see your bank accounts by choosing BANK ACCOUNTS from the main menu. 3 - To VOID a check call up the bank account the check is from. Find the check and put the selector bar on it. Then press the DEL key to delete the check. 4 - CLEARING a check. When you receive a bank statement choose BALANCE BANK ACCOUNT from the main menu. Then choose CHECKS NEVER SHOWN ON STATEMENT for the next menu. There you can mark the checks shown on the statement and record their "clearing". BACK UP Main Help Help Index MSYSOVR7 BSYSOVR5 MMAINHLP HHELPNDX SYSTEM OVERVIEW Page 6 DEPOSITS - We will now look at the path deposits take. 1 - Deposits are created when depositing receipts into a bank account. When a deposit is first written it is considered "outstanding". When you receive your monthly bank statement and the deposit is shown on the statement it is considered "cleared". 2 - All your checks & deposits show on your bank account (check book). You can see your bank accounts by choosing BANK ACCOUNTS from the main menu. 3 - To VOID a deposit call up the bank account the deposit was made to. Find the deposit and put the selector bar on it. Then press the DEL key to delete the deposit. 4 - CLEARING a deposit. When you receive a bank statement choose BALANCE BANK ACCOUNT from the main menu. Then choose DEPOSITS NEVER SHOWN ON STATEMENT from the next menu. There you can mark the deposits shown on the statement and record their "clearing". BACK UP Main Help Help Index MSYSOVR8 BSYSOVR6 MMAINHLP HHELPNDX SYSTEM OVERVIEW Page 7 BANK STATEMENTS - Are the means of balancing you bank account. Each month you receive a bank statement for every bank you have an account with. ZBEST considers CREDIT CARDS as bank accounts. All bank statements have basically the same information: Starting balance - Balance of account as of the last statement. Withdrawals - Withdrawals are checks, service charges, automatic teller machine withdrawals, etc. Deposits/Payments - Interest from savings, credit card payments, deposits, etc. Ending balance - The balance of all transactions. Statement Date - The date the bank statement was printed. To BALANCE an account you must determine which of you withdrawals & deposits are still outstanding. Then add them to the ENDING BALANCE on the statement. If this figure matches the balance you show in your check book the account is IN BALANCE. If not you must determine what transaction is missing. BACK UP Main Help Help Index MSYSOVR9 BSYSOVR7 MMAINHLP HHELPNDX SYSTEM OVERVIEW Page 8 BANK STATEMENTS - Continued. BALANCING your checkbook with ZBEST is easy. 1 - Choose BALANCE BANK ACCOUNT from the main menu. 2 - Enter the Bank name and statement date on the next menu. 3 - Choose TRANSACTIONS NEVER SHOWN ON STATEMENT from the menu. 4 - This screen will show you all the checks written from that bank that have never cleared. 5 - Use the MARK function key shown in the INSTRUCTION AREA of the screen to mark all the items that show on the statement you received from the bank. If you accidentally mark a wrong item hitting the mark function key again will UNMARK the item. 6 - When all the items are marked press the POST MARKED ITEMS function key. The items will disappear from this screen since they are now marked as "cleared". BACK UP Main Help Help Index MSYSOVR10 BSYSOVR8 MMAINHLP HHELPNDX SYSTEM OVERVIEW Page 9 BANK STATEMENTS - Continued. BALANCING your checkbook with ZBEST is easy. Continued. 7 - After posting all of the cleared items press the ESC key to return to the BALANCE BANK ACCOUNT menu. 8 - Choose BANK STATEMENT from the menu. Compare the Starting balance, Ending balance, Withdrawals, and Deposits shown on the screen to the statement you received from the bank. If they match YOU'RE DONE. 9 - If the bank statement on the screen does not match the statement from the bank compare the two statements. You may have forgotten to register a check or deposit into the system. Usually the cause is Service charges by the bank since they are withdrawn automatically. 10 - After finding the cause you may have to go back and enter a bill or deposit to make the statement balance. BACK UP Main Help Help Index HHELPNDX MMAINHLP SCROLLING TABLE HELP Scrolling tables are used to locate an item for editing, viewing or as a lookup. Because all the items in the list cannot be shown on the table at one time the table scrolls up & down to display more items. To locate an item fast some scrolling tables have locators. STANDARD COMMANDS work on most scrolling tables (sometimes you are not allowed delete a record). As in all screens special instructions are located at the bottom. EXAMPLE: Account No.s FIND Off <-- Locator STANDARD COMMANDS KEY ACTION ENTER - Select 1 Materials - Add 2 Office <-- Selector bar - Delete 3 Rent Ctrl_ENTER - Edit 4 Phone - Exit 5 Supplies PgUp - Page Up PgDn - Page Down ENTER - Select <-- Instruction area - Up one - Down one Help index Main help MSYSOVR15 FFORMHLP HHELPNDX MMAINHLP UPDATE REOCCURRING BILL - HELP This form is to record reoccurring bills and the account numbers to charge the bills. You can choose to make it AUTOMATIC of MANUAL. Automatic bills are checked each time the program is started. If the date is equal to or greater than the day of month generation was specified the bill is generated and place in UNPAID BILLS Manual bills are available from the UNPAID BILLS screen and can be generated at your discretion. MORE FORM HELP HELP INDEX MAIN HELP MENU MSYSOVR16 FFORMHLP HHELPNDX MMAINHLP UPDATE REOCCURRING RECEIPT - HELP This form is to record reoccurring receipts and the account number credit the receipt. You can choose to make it AUTOMATIC of MANUAL. Automatic receipts are checked each time the program is started. If the date is equal to or greater than the day of month generation was specified the receipt is generated and place in UNDEPOSITED RECEIPTS. Manual receipts are available from the UNDEPOSITED RECEIPTS screen and be generated at your discretion. MORE FORM HELP HELP INDEX MAIN HELP MENU STABHLP HHELPNDX MMAINHLP VIEW CHECK - HELP Scrolling table of all items paid on the check. To view the BILL RECORD place the selector on a bill and press the ENTER key. SCROLLING TABLE HELP HELP INDEX MAIN HELP STABHLP HHELPNDX MMAINHLP VIEW DEPOSIT TICKET - HELP Scrolling table of all receipts deposited on this deposit ticket. To view the RECEIPT RECORD place the selector on a receipt and press ENTER key. SCROLLING TABLE HELP HELP INDEX MAIN HELP HHELPNDX TTABHLP MMAINHLP VENDOR LOOKUP - HELP This scrolling lookup table will show you a list of your VENDORS. Vendors are persons or companies you purchased from. You do not want to clutter this list with vendors you do not do business with regularly. If you are entering a bill from a 1 time vendor just type their name in the BILL RECORD. HELP INDEX TABLE HELP MAIN HELP ACCLK ACCLST ACCNO ACCTYPE C ACCTYPEE ACCTYPER ALLBILLSK ALLREC BALBNKBK BALSHT BANKS W BANKSTAT BANKTRANf BANKTYPEi BILLREC F BILLSFAE3" BILLSFAR#$ BNKSUM $& CONFDEP CUTCHK DELACC FIANDTPR FIANPRD h1 FORMHLP GETBANK `: HELPNDX "< LOANAD LOANPY LOANS QE MAINHLP MENUHLP MREOCBIL MREOCREC OUTDEP OUTITM PAYBILLS PMTTYP PROCDEP RECNTDEP RECREC VY REOCBILLh[ REOCREC ^ SYSOVR1 SYSOVR10 SYSOVR11 SYSOVR12Pp SYSOVR13at SYSOVR14 SYSOVR15 SYSOVR16T SYSOVR17 SYSOVR18 SYSOVR19 SYSOVR2 SYSOVR20 SYSOVR21 SYSOVR22$ SYSOVR23 SYSOVR24 SYSOVR3 SYSOVR4 SYSOVR5 SYSOVR6 SYSOVR7 SYSOVR8 SYSOVR9 N TABHLP UPDRECBI UPDRECREh VCHKTIC [ VDEPTIC VENDLK U